3D Constructions

3D Constructions Details

3D Constructions

Bespoke functionality for 3D

3D Constructions of spaces look clearer than digital scans of spaces, because they are built from the ground up, for example in a CAD program.

Bespoke functionality can be added to constructions enabling all types of users, either internally or commercially, to interact with spaces in all sorts of ways.

These types of constructions are useful for creating tools which could allow venue managers to experiment with setups, or directors of films to do setting before being on set.

Related Services

See Unegma.Art  for our very own metaverse gallery example, making use of technologies powering the Spatial Web.

See Unegma.Dev  for more complex website/app functionality such as forms and databases.

See Unegma.Gallery  for metaverse gallery development services.

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